IT, Generative AI, and Cybersecurity Auditing in the 21st century

I am passionate about IT and cybersecurity and excited about participating in digital transformation. I have over three decades of experience in risk-focused financial examinations, IT reviews, and cybersecurity assessments for state insurance departments which includes the states of Nebraska, Illinois, New York, Florida, and Washington, DC, my expertise lies at the intersection of insurance regulation and AI technology. It is family-owned and operated.
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About us

One of our emerging expertise is at the intersection of financial regulation, and AI technologies

As of December 31, 2023, my work increasingly revolves around AI and generative AI. These digital tools allow me to be more effective and efficient in my audits and reviews.

Auditing and assessing AI and generative AI is an evolving process that involves rigorous evaluation of algorithmic integrity, data governance, and explainable dimensions such as interpretability, accountability, transparency, and responsibility.
